I seem to have completely lost the plot this month and left all of my photos until the last minute and when I say last minute I mean it literally!!!
Well here goes....
Something with your town's name on it - I have to confess that I got my daughter Rachel to take this one as I was busy driving at the time!!!
Well here goes....
Something with your town's name on it - I have to confess that I got my daughter Rachel to take this one as I was busy driving at the time!!!
An elephant - Elmer painted on the classroom window
Initially I just took a couple of photos of some car wheels but Paul kept pointing out that they were not wheel trims but actual alloy wheels so with a trip to the mechanics necessary to sort out Paul's car we asked our mechanic if he had any wheel trims hanging around and he found these two which I strategically placed against the skip.
For some reason this one stumped through lack of time so I took a quick picture of our recently built porch
Say Cheese!!!!
Rachel's summer music concert ended with these fireworks which definitely brightened up the night sky.
Gnarled branches of a tree
Again very last minute so not very imaginative my cutlery drawer
One of my favourite pastimes as a child was climbing trees and I was reminded of this by Tompom - don't worry he's only about 2 foot off the ground this is more of a bush than a tree.
Although we are surrounded by farms and farmland they are mainly arable or sheep (which seem to have all gone now) but as I looked out into the garden I spied these two rocking chickens.
Z is for zips
the view from our front porch door I took this at floor level so that you could see Paul's beautiful flower display and you can just see our summer house in the corner too.
I can't believe that I managed to get all 12 bearing in mind most of them were taken in the last few days.
Don't forget if you fancy joining in or want to see more interpretations of these themes then pop over to Postcard's from the PP.